Economists explore all aspects of the economy. We can support you in writing your thesis in economics!
General information about Economics
Economic sciences are a broad field of work and therefore divided into several departments. The two major core areas are business administration (BWL) and economics (VWL). The study of economics is offered at most universities as a Bachelor’s / Master’s degree program. Often, students specialize from the outset in one of the subcategories of business administration or economics, in some universities the subject can also be studied across disciplines. While business administration rather deals with economic interests of individual companies, economics itself analyzes economic processes of entire countries and their influence on politics. Disciplines such as mathematics, sociology and psychology affect economic processes, and are therefore important referential sciences.
In the first few semesters, students primarily learn the basics. Besides mathematics are statistics, computer science, business administration, economics and law are all on the timetable. In later semesters of the undergraduate studies, but not later than in the master’s program, the study aligns to one side or other of the subject. Such specializations include business law, economics or computer science or economic sociology. Additionally, language skills are an important prerequisite at many universities for the economics studies: Lectures are partly given in English and courses in business English are offered. The successful completion of study allows entry into jobs in the private sector, in politics or in research.
What can we do for you as ghostwriters?
Since the subject of economic sciences is so broad and diverse, so too are the ways to write a thesis. Besides a classical, theoretically oriented bachelor’s or master’s thesis at the university, you also have the option of writing your thesis in a company and working on a practical subject with a real context to the professional world. The advantage of cooperation with a company lies in the fact that you not only collect practical experience before attaining your degree, but can also make valuable contacts for your career after graduation.
If you want the support of professional academic when preparing your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, we can provide you with a ghostwriter to come alongside and help guide you through the entire research process. In so doing, you can delegate tasks to him and focus on the important aspects of your research or your studies. Our ghostwriters can look back both on an academic career as well as long-term professional experience and thus help enhance your work with relative ease, whereas you might have to struggle to bring things together. They are familiar with the basic literature, as well as with current publications. Through their professional experience, they know the developments in the market as well as in politics and can provide you with valuable ideas for your work. We support you in writing your thesis every step of the way, from the selection of the topic and the first literature review right through to the compilation of sources, writing the paper and editing and formatting it. It goes without saying, of course, that privacy and confidentiality remain our top priorities.
Tips for a successful thesis in economic sciences
Before deciding on a topic for your dissertation, you should seriously consider the area in which you want to work after graduation. In particular, in a subject with an economic slant, it can be to choose a master’s thesis topic that can open doors and advance a career. While it may be the case that you can simple proceed on the basis of sheer interest in a topic while working on your bachelor’s thesis, when it comes to the master’s, you should develop a real strategy that goes beyond the mere completion of work. If you aspire to a career in the private sector, it makes sense to write your thesis in a company or a consulting firm. A career in research on the other hand requires more of a theoretical research at the university. At an early stage in the process, discuss your desired topic with your mentor at the university and, if necessary, search for an open position on job sites on the internet.
Even during the processing phase of your thesis, it is advisable to regularly seek dialogue with your supervisor. You can keep him informed about the progress of your research to date, ask questions or possibly even fine-tune the central question. The more interest you show for the subject, the better it will be for you when it comes time to award grades.