With their research, physicians advance learning in the field of health and medicine. We can support you in writing your medical thesis!
General information regarding medical studies
Doctors treat diseases, advise patients and explore new prevention and treatment methods. However, the way to achieving this is rocky, because medical studies present the students many challenges in the form of written and oral examinations. In German universities, medical studies are completed with the state examination. The studies are usually very competitive, have limited admission requiring grades between 1.0 and 1.6, and usually lasts 12 semesters. The studies are divided into pre-clinical and clinical areas. The four-semester pre-clinical studies consist of theoretical and practical courses at the university and conclude with a written test, the so-called “Physikum”, or preliminary examination. This is followed by the clinical part of the studies, which already take place for the most part in different hospitals and which, in addition to theoretical courses, is also intended to give the student practical work with patients. The 4-month internship and the practical year when nearing the end of medical studies serve as practical units, whereby students already take on medical tasks that correspond to their level of training.
To understand the medical processes and processes in the human body, medicine draws from numerous allied disciplines. These include biology, chemistry, physics and psychology. Since many publications are written in English, even taking a course in English for makes sense. The high standards of medical studies are especially manifested in “backbreaking exams” at the end of studies. Students have to undergo a multi-day oral test, in which content from the entire studies is covered.
What can we do for you as ghostwriters?
During medical studies, there are usually both written and oral examinations. After taking “multiple-choice” exams in the first semester, students are required to be answer questions in written form when it comes to the Physikum. First of all, our ghostwriters can provide you with important advice while you are preparing for exams. We can stand alongside throughout the entire process and can help you with evaluations of lab tests and tutor you before the major hurdles of the Physikum or the “Hammerexamen” (preliminary medical exams). If you are working on a higher degree during or after completing your studies and want to write your dissertation, our ghostwriters can provide you much more comprehensive support, such as in the fields of scientific research, study of sources or analysis of statistics.
Our writers have years of academic experience and are familiar with medical questions and problems of the students. At the same time, they have already been on the job for years: they know the current state of research and are familiar with new publications. In cooperation with one of our experts, you will not only benefit from their great skills in dealing with medical literature, but also in terms of their experience drawn from professional practice. In particular, if you are doing your PhD part-time, our ghostwriters can take care of important preliminary work for you, because in the face of the multi-faceted daily challenges of the medical profession, it is hard for many doctoral students to find the time to apply the necessary calm and concentration required for such work in their downtime. And if you simply don’t have time to do the work itself, we not only take care of the actual writing of the text, but also the editing and formatting of your work.
Tips for a successful medical thesis
Before you start developing your dissertation or post-doctoral work, taking a look at other theses that were highly graded is very advisable. This work can be taken as a rough template for your own work. Depending on the task and research efforts required, however, the scope of a medical dissertation can vary widely. For this reason alone, you should discuss the requirements in terms of content and scope very closely with your academic mentor and, if possible, set it out in writing. Generally speaking, it is advisable to approach the faculty member you want to be a mentor for your dissertation at your university early on with a suggestion for a topic.
Indeed, many faculties publish lists with relevant research topics, though most teachers are open to hearing your ideas and in general, this tends to be seen as a positive. In order to facilitate the research in the laboratory, you can also join with other students in a working group. In this context, not only can you discuss your theses and results with others, but an added advantage is that in a group, it is usually easier to get together for regular working schedules in the laboratory. Within the working group, you can also discuss questions – and not only benefit from sharing the knowledge of your fellow students, but can also contribute your own.