You want to hear the opinion of a professional before submitting your thesis? We can edit your master’s thesis!
The master’s thesis is usually delivered at the conclusion of your studies. According to the conversion of the master’s and diploma courses under the Bologna reforms, the thesis is the last examination that you must pass in the modularized bachelor’s and master’s study programs in order to obtain the master’s degree. Although the courses are designed in a very structured way and require great amounts of discipline and numerous academic achievements, the range of courses and exercises at many universities is not very broad when it comes to academic writing. As a result, many students, especially when nearing completion, feel unsure whether they will be able to meet the requirements for such an important assignment. Since the thesis is demonstrative for your entry into your chosen profession or qualifies you for further academic achievements as part of a dissertation or to become part of an academic staff at the university, this work should be convincing when it comes to content, style and form. From proofreading to editing to checking for plagiarism and formatting your thesis, we are a partner you can rely on!
What services are covered in the editing of a master’s thesis?
To ensure that your master’s thesis makes a good impression, you should be especially aware that it is of high quality in terms of spelling and linguistic style. An academic work that is excellently researched and provides good research results but does not meet university expectations orthographically and stylistically is not demonstrative of your abilities and will most likely garner a lower grade. Therefore, our experienced editors put their focus on the style, spelling and grammar used in your thesis; moreover, you will also receive valuable insights within the framework of comprehensive feedback to track and adjust any content-related inconsistencies or errors in making logical connections. Our editors are familiar with the academic requirements of a master’s thesis and can provide important advice to help optimize it that go far beyond the actual proofreading.
Our proofreading may also include comprehensive feedback on your work with respect to revision of spelling and style, along with a plagiarism check. We will gladly review your citation methods and the bibliography for completeness and conduct a plagiarism check to identify uncited quotes that have been drawn from the literature. Finally, we’ll gladly format the thesis to ensure it formally meets the requirements of your institution!
What is the difference between proofreading and editing?
In order to provide the necessary polishing of your thesis, you can have the actual proofreading conducted in the form of a proofreading revision or a stylistic edit. In this case, the editing includes proofreading. We consider proofreading to be a holistic review of your master’s thesis. In addition to the troubleshooting in the areas of spelling, sentence structure, grammar and punctuation, we also will revise your master’s thesis, mainly on a stylistic level. In so doing, an easy to read and understandable treatment of your topic is placed front and center. On an academic level, our editors check the consistency of argument, the technical requirements and the presentation of the overall results and search your work for possible weak points. If on the other hand you simply opt for basic proofreading, a stylistic edit is not conducted. In this case, our editors only check the orthographic correctness and polish your thesis so that it shines linguistically.
How does the proofreading of a master’s thesis work?
Our editors can look back on many years of academic experience and are usually firmly planted with both feet in their professional lives. We place great importance on being able to provide you with an editor who is not only well versed in academic matters, but is also familiar with your area of specialty in terms of content. It is particularly important when it comes to content editing that the editor be fully capable of understanding the topic of your master’s thesis. Only in this way can our editors endeavor to enhance your work with further details drawn from the literature or from professional practice, as well as identifying logical inconsistencies or errors in the content. To aid in discerning where changes and comments have been made, we are happy to highlight any changes in color – so you can keep track and can decide how to deal with the comments themselves – after all, it’s your master’s thesis and it should fulfill your particular requirements.
In order to ensure that your thesis answers the central question in a readily identifiable manner supported by strong arguments, our editors also focus on reviewing your structuring of the work. Indeed, a master’s thesis is exactly like any other assignment that is basically divided into the sections of an introduction, a body and a conclusion, however, it is precisely in the body where hidden pitfalls often lurk. Lecturers at universities usually place great emphasis on the presentation and interpretation of results. Therefore, our editors take special care that coherent arguments are logically linked in these sections and chapters. In so doing, we always use appropriate discretion and the protect personal information.