Anglicists love the English language, culture and literature. Our ghostwriters can support you in your academic work in English and American Studies!
General information on English/American Studies
Those who opt for a degree in English and American Studies need one thing above all: passion for literature and language. For anyone who wants to undertake working on a degree in English literature Studies must master the English language in order to succeed in academia. In addition to modern texts, students are also confronted with linguistically theoretical content, classics and medieval texts. The scientific examination of language, culture and literature of the English-speaking world is the focus of English and American Studies. At many universities, both subjects are offered in combination and seldom appear as individual subjects. While anglicists are primarily focused on the UK and the former British colonies, those who study American English deal with the language on the North American continent. In most of the three focal areas, students learn about linguistics, literature and cultural studies, learn to develop an understanding of the other language and culture and to adopt the role of a cultural intermediary.
English and American Studies is offered at most universities as Bachelor’s/Master’s degree program. Depending on the focus, the degree will vary in being of an artistic or educational nature. While a Bachelor’s/Master of Arts prepares for a career in the cultural or media sector, prospective teachers will opt for the Master of Education (M.Ed.). The bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite for the Master’s program, which offers the opportunity to focus on one’s own priorities. In addition to working in the educational profession, possible specializations may be gaining additional qualifications as an interpreter or a journalist.
What can we as ghostwriters do for you?
If you’re facing time constraints or don’t feel you’re quite up to the requirements of your thesis or simply want the advice of academic experts, our ghostwriters can assist you in writing your assignments or final theses. We provide you with templates and suggestions that will help you narrow topics and conduct research. Depending on whether you wish to focus on English or American Studies, we will match you with a ghostwriter whose expertise can benefit you in writing your thesis. Our ghostwriters have an academic background and are aware of all the latest developments in the secondary literature as well as the original sources on which you base your work.
In addition to their expertise, our ghostwriters assist you throughout the process of writing your thesis: From the narrowing of the topic in the literature review to the actual writing, proofreading and formatting, we can personally tackle individual parts or the complete creation of your thesis! If you intending to break into the pedagogical profession or a job at a publishing house or in an editorial capacity, it is certainly of the utmost importance that one finish the Master’s program in English/American Studies on a high note. For this reason, we recommend that you make precise arrangements with your respective responsible lecturer at the university. The more you know about your subject and the substantive and formal requirements, the more intensely and successfully our ghostwriters can support and develop your program, bachelor’s or master’s thesis. Privacy and discretion take high priority with us, for this is the only way we can guarantee you a work that is unique and free from plagiarism.
Tips for submitting a successful thesis in English/American Studies
Since English and American Studies covers a very broad field, it is important to select a topic for the final paper that personally interests you. We encourage you to have an open dialogue with your lecturer at the university, so you do not need to adapt your topic at the end in a way that is not conducive to your thinking. You should also choose a topic for which there is ample literature in order to have a basis for your academic approach. There is nothing wrong, per se, with conducting first research on the Internet, but once you have selected the topic for your thesis, an intensive research into the literature should never be avoided. Naturally, our ghostwriters will conduct such a search on the basis of extensive bibliographies.
Also, while you’re working on your thesis, it makes a good impression to stay in contact with your instructor, to inform him of the progress of your work and to ask him questions. Our experience shows that personal interest in the subject has a positive effect on the grades in the end. The advice you receive from your instructor should then be implemented in the work.
Benefit from the experience and the academic expertise of our academics and get in touch with us today! We’ll take care of the reliable and professional solutions to any of your academic concerns. And of course we are always available to discuss matters on the phone, to clarify open issues directly.