Germanists love the German language and literature. Let us write your German Studies thesis!
Next to English/American studies, German is one of the most popular fields of study in the humanities. Not only budding German teachers and linguists, but also those interested in media and journalism investigate literary movements and linguistic phenomena.
General information on German studies
Those who opt to enroll for German studies will be working in three major fields in the basic studies: Linguistics, Modern German Literature and medieval studies form the backbone of knowledge in the field. Linguistics deals with the development of the language and with current language phenomena. While modern literature revolves around texts from the modern era, or about the 18th century, Medieval Studies takes a look at older German literature until the end of the Middle Ages. Even before attaining the bachelor’s degree, students choose one or more focal points for the rest of their studies, which they can even narrow further in the master’s program later.
Possible questions in German studies are not limited to the classics. In the academic study of novels, plays and poetry, students must always refer back to theoretical texts. Here, the object to be examined may be rather modern, because ultimately, Germanists deal with everything that is published in German – from the daily newspaper to books of poems. A successfully completed degree in German studies allows for a variety of professional careers. Possible specializations include journalism, linguistics or a career in the media industry or as a publisher.
What can we do for you as ghostwriters?
One of the biggest hurdles in German studies is the huge body of literature that students encounter during their studies. In addition to theoretical texts, they must read several novels or play per semester. Linguistically oriented students compare theories of language and read and analyze textbooks. Even for smaller papers during the course of studies, the required literature can be very significant. When writing a thesis in the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program, the number of books that will be used as primary or secondary sources again rise in number significantly. To identify which works are really relevant for one’s own topic is often still difficult for many students in later semesters. That’s why we provide you with a ghostwriter to support you who knows the relevant works and is trained in generating reading lists and separating relevant from irrelevant literature. Our authors not only have many years of academic experience, but are also well-established in the professional life. For example, if you are working on a topic with the current reference points, you not only benefit from our ghostwriters’ academic expertise, but also from their knowledge of the literature and recent publications.
If you want to draw on the expertise of our authors in writing your thesis, in consultation with you we will assume the entire production process of your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, or assist you with advice. Our writers keep in close contact with you and advise you in matters such from narrowing down your topic to editing and formatting of the final text. Once you have discussed your topic with your lecturers at college or university, we begin with a narrowing of the central issue and a first list of references. This is created with the help of relevant bibliographies and updated constantly during the working process. We start with the writing phase after reviewing and excerpting the most relevant works. Of course, you can review the current state of the work and contribute your own ideas. Of course, ultimately our goal is to provide you a work that is free from plagiarism and unique. The work is therefore written in full respect of confidentiality and privacy, and undergoes intense proofreading after the writing is concluded.
Tips for submitting a successful thesis in German studies
Since you need to cover a large amount of literature, you should choose a topic for your final thesis in German literature that interests you personally. For even if we assume a lot of the work for you, some aspects are your own responsibility. These include arrangements with your lecturer at the university or college. Talk your preferred supervisor about your chosen topic early on, because in a popular subject like German, many teachers have to supervise so many papers that they cannot always accept new students, and may refer you to a colleague.
If you are pursuing a career at university, you should try to already adjust your thesis to the faculty interests, and try to make connections with a mentor for your academic career. In this case, a good grade in the Master’s thesis is all the more desirable.